Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Safe Sex!

Do you Practice Safe Sex in a Monogamous Relationship?

With infidelity statistics through the roof, you really can never be too careful when it comes to protecting yourself from STDs and AIDS, regardless if you are in a monogamous relationship or single and dating. An estimated one million people are currently living with AIDS in America and 40,000 new infections reported every year, 70% being men and 30% being women. Misspoli posted an interesting question on TeamSugar that I wanted to ask all of you.

Are Condoms a "Grudge Purchase" to You?

Condom makers and marketers are trying to make condoms less of a grudge purchase and more of a "Woohoo! I’m going to have sex with these!" purchase.

Why Do People Still Engage in Unsafe Sex?

Last week TMZ captured Tila Tequila outing herself for not practicing safe sex. As we all know, STIs are running rampant. They are not something that should be taken lightly, or even joked about for that matter, which is why I'm pretty surprised that someone who is in the public eye would make a comment like that.

Dear Poll: If Your One Night Stand Got You Pregnant...

In a previous poll, 41 percent of you said you were all for casual sex, but only 11 percent admitted to having a one night stand. Regardless of the kind of sexual partners you've had, sometimes we aren't as safe as we should be, leaving some chance for unexpected pregnancy. So what would you do if you found out you were pregnant by a man you had no intention of pursuing a relationship with or ever seeing again?

Good Idea or Bad Idea: Dating Multiple People at Once

Until you have "the talk," is it fair game to date multiple people at the same time? Assuming you are practicing safe sex, some people just assume it is par for the course, but others think dating more than one person is sleazy and dubious. Of course every couple is different and everyone has their own opinions on the rules of dating, but what I want to know is, do you think it is a good idea or a bad idea to date more than one person at a time?

Oral Sex Doesn't Equal Safe Sex

I hate to bring up this not-so-fun topic, but I'm concerned. Many of my friends have dated guys that they wouldn't have sex because they were worried about STIs, but they didn't seem the least bit worried about having oral sex. When your mouth has contact with someone else's business, you can very well get a whole plethora of STIs — the problem is that many of these sexually transmitted infections are asymptomatic, which means you can't tell if someone is infected just by looking at them.

How Well Do You Know Yeast Infections?

If you're a woman, chances are you've had to endure at least one horribly uncomfortable yeast infection in your lifetime. If you hadn't heard yet, there may be a yeast infection vaccine in our future which could help to prevent future infections, but until then, take this little quiz to see what you know about yeast infections, their causes, and how they relate to sex.

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